Label & Narrow Web

LED Curing

This technology has grown in popularity as converters seek cost savings, increased productivity, and sustainability.

LED CuringIn the May/June issue of Label & Narrow Web, Excelitas Technologies Phoseon Marketing Manager Stacy Hoge weighs in on the increasing popularity of LED curing as converters seek cost savings, increased productivity, and sustainability.

According to Hoge, “UV LED brings significant operational cost savings due to increased productivity, higher uptime, no bulb replacements, and extremely long product lifetime. With the adoption of UV LED, companies can reduce their carbon footprint by decreasing energy consumption, preventing pollution, and reducing waste while increasing profits. Upgrading to UV LED curing can reduce energy bills by 50-80% overnight with return on investment in well under one year.”

With a broad array of UV LED curing solutions, Excelitas has a built a reputation as one of the most trusted brands in UV curing, with offerings including our innovative Phoseon® UV light solutions for both life sciences and UV LED curing applications and OmniCure® spot and area UV curing systems.

Read the article to learn more here.