LINOS Faraday Isolator SV Series

LINOS Faraday Isolators

Excelitas offers LINOSĀ® Faraday Isolators covering wavelengths from 400 - 1310 nm, and 1550 nm (custom wavelengths available). Many of these Isolators can be adjusted over a broad spectral range with tunable models adapatable to intervals of several hundred nanometers.

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We offer LINOS Faraday Isolators for all wavelengths in the range 400 to 1310 nm, as well as 1550 nm. They deliver exceptional performance with transmission (single-stage >90%; two-stage >80%) and our Two-stage Isolators offer best-in-class isolation > 60dB.

Many Isolators can be adjusted over a wide spectral range; tunable models can even be set for an interval of several hundred nanometers. At the same time, LINOS Faraday Isolators are distinguished by high performance combined with the greatest possible transmission. Custom Faraday Isolator Solutions for other wavelengths can be developed upon request.

Learn more about our LINOS Faraday Isolators on our Qioptiq-Shop.

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